LEAP Statement on Monterey Park & Half Moon Bay Shootings

A new year is meant to be a time of hope and renewal. Tragically, for eleven people and their families in Monterey Park, CA and seven people and their families in Half Moon Bay, CA this Lunar New Year became one marked by devastation and mourning as two more communities joined too many others who were marked by mass shootings.

As a Southern California based organization, it is with heavy hearts that the LEAP board and staff send our deepest condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims of these two horrific shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay over the holiday weekend. We also wish for the swift recovery of the nine victims in Monterey Park and the one victim in Half Moon Bay. 

If you have the capacity, we strongly encourage you to support the Monterey Park victims and their families by giving through the Monterey Park Lunar New Year Victims Fund. 100% of the donations will support the individuals affected. LEAP and other Asian and Pacific Islander-led organizations are supporting this fund. 

While this was not an act of anti-Asian hate, this is another act of trauma layered on to the Asian and Asian American communities both in California and across the U.S. As we continue to grieve and process these events and others, reaching out for support is welcomed and encouraged.

For our Asian and Asian American community members, it is okay to be filled with emotions of sadness, anger, or even numbness and confusion. 

For our allies, reach out and check in with compassion and empathy and support those in need.

If you or someone you know are in need of trauma, mental health or community services, this resource guide has been compiled by a coalition of Southern California AAPI serving organizations.

LEAP shares the collective grief of many Americans and local communities who are tired of yet another act of senseless violence. While the shootings are still being investigated, I want to remind our Asian and Pacific Islander community members that we are resilient, and for all, we encourage and support healing, kindness, and understanding.

Linda Akutagawa

President & CEO


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